Sunday, March 20, 2011

The L-o-v-e word...

I accidentally (almost) said the l-word today. And I feel like a complete and total idiot because this always fucking happens to me. Always. Fucking. Happens to me. I can't even believe I've let it happen like this though. This was honestly the most ridiculous thing I've ever had happen.

I don't even remember what we were talking about but I know it wasn't even anything of sheer importance, but I said "I love youakjsdvlaisgdflasdgfa when you do really awesome things for me." It wasn't a very good save and I know he heard it, but I haven't mentioned it and neither has he and I don't want to because his roommates are here and things could get weird and I'm just not prepared.

Especially after the conversation we had the day before yesterday. He asked me if I thought I was in love with him. I told him I wasn't. I kind of lied, but I couldn't be honest. Not at that moment. Not yet. I feel bad for lying, but at this point, I do not want to ruin what we've got. I can't. I feel too strongly about this. I feel so happy about this. I'm too satisfied with my life at this point. I cannot afford to ruin this over one simple little four letter word.

And now I just can't deal.

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